Neue Gruppenrichtlinien für Windows 10 1803

Es ist endlich soweit: Das Windows 10 Version 1803 steht in den Startlöchern. Dazu gibt es in Firmen natürlich neue Gruppenrichtlinien für Windows 10 1803. Die neuen GPOs müssen im Active Directory gepflegt werden, um natürlich die neuen Inhalte für die Computer konfigurieren zu können. Wie man ein ADMX / ADML Update durchführen kann, lest ihr in einem früheren Beitrag.

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neue Gruppenrichtlinien für Windows 10 1803 herunterladen

Die neuesten Gruppenrichtlinien für Windows 10 Version 1803 gibt es natürlich direkt bei Microsoft zum herunterladen:

ADMX Templates für Windows 10 1803 herunterladen (Englisch)
ADMX Templates für Windows 10 1803 herunterladen (Deutsch)


Neue Gruppenrichtlinien für Windows 10 1803

Hier gibt es eine Übersicht, welche neuen ADMX Templates es gibt und welche GPO Änderungen es gibt:

ADMX File Parent Category Policy Class
AppHVSI.admx Windows Defender Application Guard Allow hardware-accelerated rendering for Windows Defender Application Guard Machine
AppHVSI.admx Windows Defender Application Guard Allow files to download and save to the host operating system from Windows Defender Application Guard Machine
AppPrivacy.admx App Privacy Let Windows apps access an eye tracker device Machine
CloudContent.admx Cloud Content Turn off Windows Spotlight on Settings User
DataCollection.admx Allow device name to be sent in Windows diagnostic data Machine
DataCollection.admx Configure telemetry opt-in setting user interface. Machine
DataCollection.admx Configure telemetry opt-in change notifications. Machine
DeliveryOptimization.admx Delivery Optimization Maximum Background Download Bandwidth (percentage) Machine
DeliveryOptimization.admx Delivery Optimization Maximum Foreground Download Bandwidth (percentage) Machine
DeliveryOptimization.admx Delivery Optimization Select the source of Group IDs Machine
DeliveryOptimization.admx Delivery Optimization Delay background download from http (in secs) Machine
DeliveryOptimization.admx Delivery Optimization Delay Foreground download from http (in secs) Machine
DeliveryOptimization.admx Delivery Optimization Select a method to restrict Peer Selection Machine
DeliveryOptimization.admx Delivery Optimization Set Business Hours to Limit Background Download Bandwidth Machine
DeliveryOptimization.admx Delivery Optimization Set Business Hours to Limit Foreground Download Bandwidth Machine
Display.admx Display Configure Per-Process System DPI settings Machine
EAIME.admx IME Turn on Live Sticker User
GroupPolicy.admx Group Policy Phone-PC linking on this device Machine
MicrosoftEdge.admx Microsoft Edge Allow configuration updates for the Books Library Both
MicrosoftEdge.admx Microsoft Edge Allow extended telemetry for the Books tab Both
MicrosoftEdge.admx Microsoft Edge Allow a shared Books folder Both
MicrosoftEdge.admx Microsoft Edge Prevent Microsoft Edge from starting and loading the Start and New Tab page at Windows startup and each time Microsoft Edge is closed Both
OSPolicy.admx OS Policies Allow upload of User Activities Machine
Passport.admx Windows Hello for Business Use Windows Hello for Business Both
Search.admx Search Allow Cortana Page in OOBE on an AAD account Machine
StartMenu.admx Remove ‘Recently added’ list from Start Menu Machine
StartMenu.admx Disable context menus in the Start Menu Both
TerminalServer.admx Device and Resource Redirection Do not allow video capture redirection Machine
UserExperienceVirtualization.admx Microsoft User Experience Virtualization Enable UEV Machine
WindowsDefenderSecurityCenter.admx Virus and threat protection Hide the Ransomware data recovery area Machine
WindowsDefenderSecurityCenter.admx Account protection Hide the Account protection area Machine
WindowsDefenderSecurityCenter.admx Device security Hide the Device security area Machine
WindowsDefenderSecurityCenter.admx Device security Device security Hide the Security processor (TPM) troubleshooter page Machine
WindowsDefenderSecurityCenter.admx Device security Device security Hide the Secure boot area Machine

Ich hoffe ich konnte euch mit dieser Windows 10 Version 1803 – GPO Übersicht weiterhelfen 🙂

Johannes Huber

In seiner Freizeit macht Johannes nichts lieber, als für ITnator Beiträge zu schreiben. Input bekommt er hierfür von Problemen in der IT Administration von Servern, Clients und vielen weiteren IT Komponenten.

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