C | Programmiersprache C |
CAAD | Computer Aided Architectural Design (Computergestütztes architektonisches Planen und Entwerfen) |
CA | Certificate Authority |
CAD | Computer-Aided Design (Computerunterstütztes Design) |
CAE | Computer-aided engineering |
CAF | Composite Application Framework |
CAM | Computer-aided manufacturing |
CAN | Controller Area Network oder |
| Content Addressable Network |
CAPI | Common ISDN Application Programming Interface |
CAPWAP | Control And Provisioning of Wireless Access Points |
CARP | Common Address Redundancy Protocol |
CAS | Column Address Strobe: Dynamic Random Access Memory#CAS |
CAS | Computeralgebrasystem |
CAT | Catalog Service |
CAV | Constant Angular Velocity |
CAVE | Cave Automatic Virtual Environment |
CAW | Computer-Aided Woodcut (zu Deutsch rechnerunterstützter Holzschnitt) |
CBO | Cost Based Optimizer, kostenbasierten Optimizer für Zugriffe auf Datenbanksätze |
CC | Carbon Copy oder |
| Creative Commons |
| C Compiler |
CCD | Charge-coupled Device |
CC/PP | Composite Capability/Preference Profiles |
CCU | Camera Control Unit |
CD | Compact Disc |
CDATA | Character Data |
CDC | Connected Device Configuration |
CDE | Common Desktop Environment |
CDMA | Code Division Multiple Access |
CDN | Content Delivery Network |
CD-R | Compact Disc Recordable |
CD-ROM | Compact Disc Read-Only Memory |
CD-RW | Compact Disc ReWriteable |
CEPT | Conférence Européenne des Administrations des Postes et des Télécommunications |
CET | Control-flow Enforcement Technology |
CFML | ColdFusion Markup Language |
CFSM | Communicating Finite State Machines |
CGA | Color Graphics Adapter |
CGI | Common Gateway Interface |
CHAP | Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol |
CHS | Cylinder Head Sector |
CICS | Customer Information Control System |
CIDR | Classless Inter-Domain Routing |
CIF | Common Intermediate Format |
CIFS | Common Internet File System |
CIM | Computer-integrated manufacturing oder |
| Common Information Model |
CISC | Complex Instruction Set Computer |
CLDC | Connected Limited Device Configuration |
CLI | Call Level Interface oder |
| Command Line Interpreter oder |
| Common Language Infrastructure |
CLOB | Character Large Object |
CLM | Certificate Lifecycle Manager |
CLR | Common Language Runtime |
CLTS | Connectionless Transport Service, ein verbindungsloser Service, beispielsweise UDP |
CLV | Constant Linear Velocity |
CM | Content-Management |
CMM | Capability Maturity Model oder |
| Color Management Module |
CMOS | Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (dt. Komplementärer Metall-Oxid-Halbleiter) |
CMS | Content-Management-System |
CMYK | Cyan Magenta Yellow Key, siehe CMYK-Farbmodell |
CO | Callable Object |
COBOL | Common Business Oriented Language |
CODASYL | Conference on Data Systems Languages |
COM | Component Object Model oder |
| Computer on Module (Kernhardware eines Computers implementiert auf einem steckbaren Modul) |
COMA | Cache-only-Memory-Access |
CORBA | Common Object Request Broker Architecture |
COTS | Connection Oriented Transport Service, ein verbindungsorientierter Service, wie beispielsweise TCP |
COW | Copy-On-Write, Verfahren zur Vermeidung von überflüssigen Kopien von Daten |
CPL | Call Processing Language oder |
| Combined Programming Language oder |
| Common Public License |
CP/M | Control Program/Monitor, später: Control Program for Microcomputers |
CPPM | Content Protection for Pre-Recorded Media, Kopierschutzverfahren der DVD-Audio |
CPRI | Common Public Radio Interface |
CPRM | Content Protection for Recordable Media |
CPSL | Common Pattern Specification Language |
CPU | Central Processing Unit |
CPUID | Central Processing Unit Identification |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check, Verfahren zur Ermittlung von Übertragungsfehlern |
CRE | Content Relationship Engine |
CRL | Certificate Revocation List |
CRM | Customer-Relationship-Management |
CRT | Cathode Ray Tube |
CRUD | Create, Read, Update, Delete (Datenbankoperationen) |
CSA | Common-Scrambling-Algorithmus oder |
| Connector, Switch, Attenuator theory |
CSI | Common System Interface |
CSM | Compatibility Support Module |
CSMA/CA | Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance |
CSMA/CD | Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection |
CSP | Communicating Sequential Processes |
CSS | Cascading Style Sheets oder |
| Content Scramble System |
CSV | Character Separated Values, Comma Separated Values |
CTF | Capture the Flag |
CTL | Complex Text Layout |
CTS | Clear To Send |
CUDA | Compute Unified Device Architecture |
CUI | Character User Interface, d. i. Zeichenorientierte Benutzerschnittstelle |
CUoD | Capacity Upgrade on Demand |
CUPS | Common Unix Printing System |
CVS | Concurrent Versions System |
CWM | Common Warehouse Metamodel |